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Thursday, December 7 - Seeking God's Peace in Times of Waiting and Searching

Read Psalm 85:8-13

I listen carefully to what God the Lord is saying, his faithful people. for he speaks peace to But let them not return to their foolish ways. Surely his salvation is near to those who fear him, so our land will be filled with his glory.

This Psalm comes at time of crisis for God's people. It is a prayer for God's restoration for his people, but also a message of hope and a message of peace to the faithful. He reminds the exiles and us today that when we remain faithful to God and are obedient we are able to clearly see examples of his blessings in our lives. Blessings of peace, unchanging love, and trustworthiness. There is also hope to be found in the promise of salvation for those who seek God.

We too, like the exiles are in a time of searching and waiting for God's peace and his gift of salvation. All to often we are not patient enough to wait or so eager for the hard times to be over that we fail to see God at work. We look for answers in the wrong places or take matters into our own hands. We can be reminded through the words of this passage of what can and will do for those who welcome him and seek him.

Take time to stop this season of Advent and seek God and prepare for his gift of salvation. Then, you will see him and his blessings on in your life, then you will find peace.

Holy one, we thank you that you are always there, going ahead of us, walking besides us. Help us to seek you and not the ways of man to find peace this Advent. Amen.

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