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Sunday, December 17 - Third Sunday of Advent

Read Luke 1:46B-55

Mary's song of praise - the Magnificent

Mary's song speaks of the greatness of the Lord.He has things in control, He has mercy for all that fear him, He has done great things for all that believe and has taken down the mighty and exalted the lowly. After all, Mary was just a peasant girl from a small village. Her faith was great and she was a humble servant. God chose her to be the mother of the Messiah.

Her cousin Elizabeth (mother of John the Baptist) called her blessed, many agreed but some thought her a disgrace being pregnant and unmarried. But Mary remained faithful All of us have experienced trials and we struggle with the why's but we must believe God will help us through the situation with love, mercy and grace.

Dear Lord,

Thank you for the blessing you gave to all of us when you sent your son to live on earth. Help us to be as faithful as Mary, and share your love and forgiveness to everyone we meet through this season and all year long. In Jesus name, Amen

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